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Help Center βž” Resources βž” Contribution Guidelines for Atri Labs

Contribution Guidelines for Atri Labs

Last updated October 30, 2023


At Atri Labs, we believe in the power of community-driven innovation. Our platform thrives on the collective insights, skills, and passion of its users. If you're looking to contribute, whether it's through code, design, or ideas, here are the guidelines to ensure a smooth and impactful contribution process.

Step-by-Step Contribution Guidelines:

  1. Understand the Atri Labs Vision
  • Familiarize yourself with Atri Labs' mission, values, and objectives.
  • Ensure your contributions align with the overarching goals of the platform.
  1. Choose Your Contribution Area
  • Identify where you can add value: code, design, documentation, community engagement, etc.
  • Check the platform for existing contributions to avoid duplication.
  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Code of Conduct
  • Respect and adhere to the community's code of conduct.
  • Promote a positive, inclusive, and collaborative environment.
  1. Set Up Your Development Environment
  • Follow the provided setup guide to configure your local environment.
  • Ensure you have the necessary tools and permissions for contribution.
  1. Pick an Issue or Feature Request
  • Browse the issue tracker for open tasks or feature requests.
  • Choose one that aligns with your skills and interests.
  1. Communicate Your Intent
  • Before starting, inform the core team or community about your intent to contribute.
  • This ensures coordination and avoids overlapping efforts.
  1. Follow the Contribution Workflow
  • Fork the repository, make your changes, and create a pull request.
  • Ensure your code is clean, well-documented, and adheres to style guidelines.
  1. Participate in the Review Process
  • Once submitted, your contribution will undergo a review.
  • Address any feedback or changes requested by the reviewers.
  1. Stay Updated with the Main Repository
  • Regularly sync your fork with the main repository to stay updated.
  • This ensures your contributions are compatible with the latest changes.
  1. Celebrate and Engage - Once your contribution is merged, celebrate your achievement! - Stay engaged, participate in discussions, and continue contributing.


Your contributions play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Atri Labs. By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure that your efforts seamlessly integrate with the platform and bring value to the entire community. Together, we can drive innovation, enhance features, and create a platform that truly stands out.

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