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Help CenterPRD Formats and TypesLeveraging the 'Barebones' PRD Format for Minor Iterations

Leveraging the 'Barebones' PRD Format for Minor Iterations

Last updated November 19, 2023


For minor iterations, the 'Barebones' PRD format in Boggl is a practical choice. This article explores how to effectively utilize this format.


  • Focusing on Essentials: Pinpointing the core elements needed for minor iterations.
  • Quick Documentation: Tips for rapid and effective documentation using the 'Barebones' format.
  • Review and Update: How to keep your 'Barebones' PRD up-to-date and relevant.


The 'Barebones' PRD format is a time-efficient solution for documenting minor iterations, helping maintain agility in your product development cycle.

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