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Help CenterUse CasesPreventing Data Exposure with Chart

Preventing Data Exposure with Chart

Last updated November 3, 2023


Data exposure is one of the most pressing concerns in today's digital age. With cyber threats on the rise and regulations becoming stricter, it's essential to ensure that sensitive data remains protected. Chart is at the forefront of this mission, offering tools and features designed to prevent unintended data exposure. This article will guide you through the steps to leverage Chart effectively for this purpose.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preventing Data Exposure:

  1. Implement Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):
  • Define user roles within Chart and assign specific permissions.
  • Ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive data.
  1. Use Data Masking Features:
  • Utilize Chart's data masking capabilities to hide specific data elements.
  • This ensures that even if data is viewed, sensitive details remain concealed.
  1. Activate Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tools:
  • Chart's DLP tools monitor and control data transfers.
  • Set up alerts for any unauthorized data transfers or exposures.
  1. Regularly Audit User Activities:
  • Monitor user activities within Chart to detect any unusual behavior.
  • Regular audits can help identify potential data exposure risks early.
  1. Encrypt Data at Rest and in Transit:
  • Ensure that all data stored in Chart is encrypted.
  • Additionally, data being transferred should be encrypted using the latest protocols.
  1. Implement Strong Authentication Methods:
  • Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) for accessing Chart.
  • Strong authentication methods reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  1. Educate Users on Safe Practices:
  • Conduct regular training sessions for users on the importance of data security.
  • Emphasize the risks of data exposure and how to use Chart safely.
  1. Stay Updated on Compliance Requirements:
  • Understand the data protection regulations relevant to your industry.
  • Ensure that Chart's settings align with these compliance requirements.
  1. Backup Data Securely:
  • Regularly backup data stored in Chart.
  • Ensure backups are encrypted and stored in a secure location.


Preventing data exposure is a shared responsibility. While Chart provides the tools and features to safeguard data, it's essential for organizations to implement best practices and stay vigilant. By following the steps outlined in this article, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of data exposure and ensure that their sensitive information remains protected.

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