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Help CenterFAQs & SupportTroubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Last updated November 3, 2023


While Chart is designed to offer a seamless communication experience, users might occasionally encounter issues. This article provides solutions to some common problems, ensuring you can quickly get back to efficient communication without major disruptions.

Common Issues and Solutions:

  1. Unable to Log In:
  • Ensure you're using the correct login credentials.
  • Reset your password if necessary.
  • Check for any server outages on Chart's status page.
  1. Dashboard Not Loading Properly:
  • Clear your browser's cache and cookies.
  • Try accessing Chart on a different browser or device.
  • Ensure your internet connection is stable.
  1. Integration Failures:
  • Double-check the integration settings and permissions.
  • Reconnect the integration.
  • Reach out to Chart support for specific integration issues.
  1. Delayed Notifications:
  • Check your notification settings in the Chart dashboard.
  • Ensure your device's notification permissions for Chart are enabled.
  • Restart the Chart application.
  1. Issues with Custom Features:
  • Ensure the custom feature settings are correctly configured.
  • Reinitialize any custom scripts or plugins.
  • Contact Chart's technical team for advanced troubleshooting.
  1. Data Syncing Delays:
  • Verify your internet connection.
  • Check for any server-side issues on Chart's end.
  • Re-sync your data manually from the settings.
  1. Unable to Send/Receive Messages:
  • Ensure you're connected to the internet.
  • Restart the Chart application.
  • Check if the recipient's account is active and not blocked.
  1. Billing and Subscription Issues:
  • Verify your payment details.
  • Ensure there are no pending dues.
  • Contact Chart's billing department for any discrepancies.
  1. Audio/Video Call Disruptions:
  • Check your device's microphone and camera permissions.
  • Ensure a stable internet connection.
  • Restart the call or try making the call from a different device.
  1. General Performance Lags:
  • Update to the latest version of Chart.
  • Clear any background applications that might be consuming resources.
  • Consider reaching out to Chart support for persistent issues.


Troubleshooting is an essential skill in today's digital age. While Chart strives to offer a hassle-free experience, understanding how to address common issues ensures uninterrupted communication. If the solutions provided don't resolve your problem, always remember that Chart's dedicated support team is just a click away, ready to assist you.

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