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Help CenterUser Guides and TutorialsCreating Custom Workflows with CI HUB

Creating Custom Workflows with CI HUB

Last updated October 12, 2023

CI HUB empowers you to create custom workflows tailored to your organization's unique needs. Custom workflows help you streamline your creative processes, enhance collaboration, and improve efficiency. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create custom workflows with CI HUB.

Step-by-Step Guide

**1. Define Your Workflow Goals:

  • Begin by defining the objectives of your custom workflow. Determine what you want to achieve, whether it's efficient asset approval, streamlined content creation, or standardized asset management.

**2. Identify Workflow Stages:

  • Break down your workflow into distinct stages or steps. Identify the key milestones and actions required to move assets through the process.

**3. Access the CI HUB Admin Panel:

  • Log in to CI HUB using your admin credentials to access the admin panel, where you can configure custom workflows.

**4. Create Workflow Templates:

  • Within the admin panel, you can create custom workflow templates. These templates serve as the foundation for your workflows.

**5. Configure Workflow Steps:

  • Customize each workflow template by adding and configuring workflow steps. Assign tasks, responsibilities, and approval processes to each step.

**6. Define User Roles and Permissions:

  • Determine which users or user groups will be involved in each workflow step. Assign roles and permissions accordingly.

**7. Set Triggers and Automation:

  • Utilize CI HUB's automation capabilities to set triggers for workflow transitions. For example, automatically move assets to the next step after approval.

**8. Integration with Other Tools:

  • If necessary, integrate CI HUB workflows with other tools or platforms used in your organization, such as project management software or collaboration platforms.

**9. Testing and Validation:

  • Before deploying your custom workflows, conduct thorough testing and validation to ensure that they function as intended.

**10. User Training and Onboarding: - Train your team members on how to use the custom workflows effectively. Provide onboarding materials and support.

**11. Roll Out the Workflows: - Deploy your custom workflows to your team or organization. Users can now access and use these workflows within CI HUB.

**12. Monitor and Analyze: - Continuously monitor the performance of your custom workflows. Analyze data to identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement.

**13. Iterate and Optimize: - Based on feedback and performance data, iterate and optimize your custom workflows to improve efficiency and achieve your workflow goals.

**14. Security and Compliance: - Ensure that your custom workflows adhere to security and compliance standards relevant to your industry.

**15. User Support: - Provide ongoing user support to address any questions or issues related to custom workflows.


Custom workflows in CI HUB empower your organization to create efficient and tailored processes that enhance productivity and collaboration. By following these steps, you can design, implement, and optimize custom workflows that align with your specific objectives and workflows. Harness the full potential of CI HUB to streamline your creative and asset management processes.

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