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Help CenterGetting Started with DetailNavigating the Detail User Interface

Navigating the Detail User Interface

Last updated October 29, 2023


The Detail app is designed with a user-centric approach, ensuring that its interface is both intuitive and feature-rich. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Detail User Interface (UI), helping you navigate and utilize its features to the fullest.

Understanding the Detail UI:

  • Sleek Design: The Detail UI boasts a clean and modern design, ensuring that users can easily locate and use its features.
  • Intuitive Layout: Features are organized logically, allowing for a seamless user experience from recording to editing and sharing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the UI:

  1. Home Dashboard:
  • Upon launching the app, you'll land on the main dashboard.
  • This is your central hub, providing quick access to recording, editing, and other primary features.
  1. Recording Interface:
  • Tap the recording button to access the camera interface.
  • Here, you can switch between front and rear cameras, adjust settings, and start/stop recordings.
  1. Editing Suite:
  • After recording, access the editing suite to enhance your videos.
  • Familiarize yourself with tools like trim, cut, captions, backgrounds, and filters.
  1. Settings and Preferences:
  • Located typically in the top right or bottom of the screen, the settings icon (often a gear symbol) takes you to the app's preferences.
  • Adjust video quality, enable/disable features, and customize your user experience.
  1. Profile and Personal Space:
  • Access your personal space to view saved videos, drafts, and shared content.
  • Update your profile picture, username, and other personal details.
  1. Help and Tutorials:
  • Look for a question mark or "Help" section in the UI.
  • This section provides tutorials, FAQs, and guides to assist users in understanding the app's features.
  1. Sharing and Exporting:
  • Once you're satisfied with your video, head to the sharing section.
  • Choose from various platforms to share your content or save it directly to your device.

Tips for Smooth Navigation:

  • Tooltips: Hover over or tap on icons to view tooltips, which provide brief descriptions of each feature.
  • Swipe Gestures: Some features may be accessible through swipe gestures, enhancing the app's fluidity.
  • Shortcut Buttons: Look out for shortcut buttons that provide quick access to frequently used features.


The Detail User Interface is designed to offer a smooth and efficient user experience. By familiarizing yourself with its layout and features, you'll be well-equipped to create, edit, and share captivating videos with ease.

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