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Help CenterEditing and CustomizationAdding and Customizing Captions

Adding and Customizing Captions

Last updated October 29, 2023


Captions play a pivotal role in enhancing video content, making it accessible to a wider audience and providing clarity when needed. With Detail's robust captioning tools, adding and customizing captions becomes a breeze. This guide will walk you through the process of creating captivating captions that resonate with your viewers.

The Importance of Captions:

  • Accessibility: Make your content accessible to viewers with hearing impairments.
  • Clarity: Provide clarity in noisy environments or for videos with unclear audio.
  • Engagement: Captions can increase viewer engagement and retention.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Captions:

  1. Importing Your Video:
  • Launch the Detail app and import the video you wish to caption.
  • Navigate to the editing suite to access captioning tools.
  1. Starting the Captioning Process:
  • Locate the "Add Captions" or "Text" tool within the editing suite.
  • Begin playing your video and pause where you'd like to add your first caption.
  1. Typing Your Captions:
  • As the video plays, type out the spoken content in the caption box.
  • Ensure your captions are concise and match the video's pacing.
  1. Synchronizing Captions:
  • Adjust the timing of each caption to ensure it aligns perfectly with the spoken content.
  • Use the timeline to drag and position captions as needed.
  1. Customizing Caption Appearance:
  • Choose from various fonts, sizes, and colors to match your video's aesthetic.
  • Adjust caption backgrounds or add effects for better visibility against varying video backgrounds.
  1. Previewing and Adjusting:
  • Play back your video to review the captions and ensure they're synchronized and clear.
  • Make any necessary adjustments for optimal readability and timing.
  1. Exporting Your Captioned Video:
  • Once satisfied with your captions, export the video with embedded captions.
  • Choose the desired video format and resolution for sharing or uploading.

Tips for Effective Captioning:

  • Conciseness: Keep captions brief and to the point, avoiding overly long sentences.
  • Visibility: Ensure captions contrast well with the video background for easy reading.
  • Accuracy: Ensure captions accurately represent the spoken content and are free from typos.


Captions are an invaluable addition to any video, enhancing accessibility and viewer understanding. With Detail's intuitive captioning tools, you can ensure your content reaches and resonates with a broader audience. Dive in and make every word count!

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