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Help CenterCertification ExamsUnderstanding Your CGFNS Exam Results

Understanding Your CGFNS Exam Results

Last updated August 7, 2024

After taking the CGFNS Certification Exam, you'll be eagerly awaiting your results. The CGFNS exam results are a critical step in your journey to licensure in the United States. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you understand the process and your results:

Accessing and Interpreting Your CGFNS Exam Results

  • Access Your Results Online: Your CGFNS Certification Exam results will be accessible online through your CGFNS account, typically within 6 weeks of taking the exam. You'll receive an email notification when your results are ready.
  • Understanding the Score Report: Your CGFNS score report will include the following information:
  • Passing Score: CGFNS establishes a passing score for the exam. A passing score signifies that you have met the minimum requirements to demonstrate competency in nursing principles and practices.
  • Overall Score: Your overall score will reflect your performance across all exam content areas.
  • Individual Content Area Scores: You will receive scores for each individual content area covered in the exam, which can help you identify areas where you excelled or may require additional study if you plan to retake the exam.
  • Exam Reporting: The exam results will also provide important information, such as:
  • Date of the exam
  • Testing center location
  • Exam duration
  • Passing status (Pass or Fail)
  • Information on re-testing options, if applicable.
  • Interpreting Your Results:
  • Passing Score: If you achieve a passing score, congratulations! You meet the requirement for licensure. However, it's essential to note that licensing requirements may vary from state to state, so check the specific requirements for the state you plan to practice in.
  • Failing Score: If you do not achieve a passing score, don't be discouraged. You can retake the exam after a designated waiting period. Review your exam performance indicators and focus on areas you need to strengthen.
  • Re-Taking the Exam: If you do need to retake the exam, CGFNS provides information on re-testing eligibility, fees, and scheduling procedures.
  • Next Steps:
  • State Licensure: After passing the CGFNS Certification Exam, you will need to apply for licensure in the state where you intend to practice. The specific requirements and application process vary by state. You can find information on licensure requirements and application fees on the websites of your chosen state boards of nursing.
  • Additional Requirements: Depending on your state, you may also be required to complete additional steps, such as:
  • Passing the NCLEX-RN Exam
  • Submitting fingerprints and background checks
  • Completing continuing education requirements
  • Meeting any state-specific requirements for international nurses.
  • Support Resources:
  • CGFNS: Contact CGFNS Customer Support if you have any questions about your exam results or the licensing process.
  • State Boards of Nursing: Refer to the websites of your chosen state boards of nursing for guidance on licensure requirements for international nurses.
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