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Help CenterIntegration and CompatibilityUsing Infisical with Docker and Kubernetes

Using Infisical with Docker and Kubernetes

Last updated November 4, 2023


Docker and Kubernetes have revolutionized the way we deploy and manage containerized applications. Infisical's integration with these tools ensures that your secrets are as agile and scalable as your containers. This article will guide you through integrating Infisical with Docker and Kubernetes.


  • Preparing for Container Integration:
  • Understand how Infisical works with container technologies.
  • Set up your Infisical account to work with Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Integrating Infisical with Docker:
  • Create a Dockerfile that includes Infisical as a secret management solution.
  • Use Infisical to inject secrets at build time or runtime as environment variables.
  • Securely manage Docker secrets with Infisical's encrypted storage.
  • Deploying with Kubernetes and Infisical:
  • Configure Kubernetes secrets to be managed by Infisical.
  • Use Infisical's Kubernetes operator or sidecar containers to inject secrets.
  • Ensure your deployment scripts reference Infisical for secret retrieval.


By following these integration steps, your containerized applications will benefit from the robust secret management that Infisical provides, keeping your deployment processes secure and manageable.

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