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Help CenterSecurity and ComplianceContributing to Infisical's Open Source Security

Contributing to Infisical's Open Source Security

Last updated November 4, 2023


Open source projects thrive on community contributions, and Infisical's open-source nature invites developers to contribute to its security features. This article will outline how you can get involved and help enhance Infisical's security.


  • Getting Started with Open Source Contributions:
  • Familiarize yourself with Infisical's open-source repositories and contribution guidelines.
  • Set up your development environment to work with Infisical's codebase.
  • Making Your First Security Contribution:
  • Identify areas of the codebase that you can improve or secure further.
  • Follow the project's guidelines for submitting a pull request with your contribution.
  • Engage with the Infisical community to discuss and refine your contribution.
  • Staying Involved in the Security Community:
  • Keep up with the latest security best practices and apply them to your contributions.
  • Participate in code reviews and collaborate with other contributors.
  • Advocate for security within the Infisical community and beyond.


Contributing to Infisical's open-source security is not only a way to give back to the community but also an opportunity to learn and grow as a developer. Your contributions can help make Infisical even more secure for everyone.

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