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Help CenterQR Code Creation & CustomizationColor Schemes and Patterns: Making Your QR Stand Out

Color Schemes and Patterns: Making Your QR Stand Out

Last updated December 29, 2023


A visually appealing QR code can attract more scans. This article explores how to use color schemes and patterns effectively in your QR code designs.


  1. Select a QR Code Style: Start by choosing a basic style for your QR code.
  2. Experiment with Colors: Play with different color combinations that reflect your brand or message.
  3. Choose Unique Patterns: Select from various patterns to make your QR code unique.
  4. Ensure Contrast and Readability: Make sure there is enough contrast between the QR code and its background.
  5. Preview and Revise: Continuously preview and tweak your design for the best outcome.


With creative use of colors and patterns, your QR codes can become more than just a scanning tool; they can be a part of your visual brand identity.

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