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Help CenterIntegration and APIsAPI Integration Guide for Mango Map

API Integration Guide for Mango Map

Last updated October 10, 2023


API integration is a cornerstone for enhancing the functionality and utility of Mango Map. It allows users to connect Mango Map with other software, applications, and data sources, enabling a seamless flow of data and extended features. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to integrate APIs with Mango Map, ensuring a streamlined and efficient mapping experience.

Steps for API Integration

1. Identifying the API

  • Select API:
  • Identify the API you want to integrate with Mango Map, ensuring it is compatible and serves your specific needs.
  • API Documentation:
  • Review the API documentation to understand its features, requirements, and integration process.

2. Accessing Mango Map API Settings

  • Navigate to Settings:
  • Go to your Mango Map account settings and locate the API integration section.
  • Enable API Access:
  • Turn on the API access feature if it’s not already enabled.

3. API Key Generation

  • Generate API Key:
  • Click on the ‘Generate API Key’ button to create a unique key for the integration.
  • Copy API Key:
  • Copy the generated API key securely; you will need it for the integration process.

4. Configuring the API

  • Input API Key:
  • Paste the copied API key into the required field in the API settings or configuration page.
  • Customize Settings:
  • Adjust the API settings according to your needs, selecting the data and features you want to access.

5. Testing the Integration

  • Test Connection:
  • Click on the ‘Test Connection’ button to ensure that the API is integrated successfully and is communicating with Mango Map.
  • Review Data Flow:
  • Check the data flow between the API and Mango Map to ensure accuracy and consistency.

6. Finalizing the Integration

  • Save Settings:
  • Save the API settings to finalize the integration.
  • Review Maps:
  • Go to your maps and review the added features or data brought in by the API integration.


API integration with Mango Map opens up a world of possibilities, enhancing the functionality, data accessibility, and customization options of your maps. By following this guide, users can seamlessly integrate APIs, ensuring that their maps are enriched with additional features and data sources. Dive into the enhanced mapping experience where the integration of technology and data sources is as intuitive as creating a map. Happy mapping!

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