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Help CenterIntegrationsConnecting Mayan with CRM Systems

Connecting Mayan with CRM Systems

Last updated July 3, 2023

Mayan offers the capability to integrate with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, allowing you to streamline your document management and customer interactions in one centralized platform. By connecting Mayan with your CRM system, you can enhance productivity, improve collaboration, and provide seamless access to relevant documents within your CRM workflow. In this article, we will guide you through the process of connecting Mayan with CRM systems.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify your CRM System:
  • Determine the CRM system that your organization uses or plans to use.
  • Popular CRM systems include Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics 365, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM.
  1. Accessing Integration Settings in Mayan:
  • Log in to your Mayan account as an administrator.
  • Navigate to the Mayan settings or administration panel, typically accessible through the user profile or an administrator dashboard.
  1. Locating the CRM Integration Section:
  • Within the settings or administration panel, look for the "Integrations" or "External Services" section.
  • Find the section specifically related to CRM integrations.
  1. Selecting the CRM System:
  • In the CRM integration section, you will find a list of supported CRM systems.
  • Choose the CRM system that you want to connect with Mayan.
  1. Configuring the Integration:
  • Once you select the desired CRM system, you will need to configure the integration.
  • This typically involves providing authentication credentials, such as API keys or access tokens, to establish a connection between Mayan and your CRM system.
  1. Mapping CRM Fields:
  • During the integration setup process, you may have the option to map fields between Mayan and your CRM system.
  • Identify the corresponding fields in your CRM system for document-related information, such as customer name, document type, or document ID.
  1. Setting up Workflow Automation:
  • Explore the workflow automation options available within Mayan and your CRM system.
  • Configure triggers and actions to automate document-related processes based on CRM events or updates.
  1. Testing the Integration:
  • Once the integration is configured, perform a test to ensure seamless data exchange between Mayan and your CRM system.
  • Create or update a record in your CRM system and verify that the associated documents are accessible in Mayan.
  1. Managing the Integration:
  • Mayan may provide additional options to manage and monitor the CRM integration.
  • This may include options to sync data, monitor integration status, or modify integration settings as needed.

By connecting Mayan with your CRM system, you can enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and ensure that relevant documents are easily accessible within your CRM platform.

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