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Help CenterAdvanced UsageCustomizing Puzzle Workflows

Customizing Puzzle Workflows

Last updated October 10, 2023

Customizing workflows in Puzzle enables you to design your workspace according to your specific requirements. Whether you want to create custom boards, labels, or task templates, this guide will help you harness the full potential of Puzzle's customization features.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to customize your Puzzle workflows:

  1. Log In to Your Puzzle Account:
  • Visit the Puzzle website and log in to your account using your credentials.
  1. Access Board Settings:
  • Once logged in, open one of your boards or create a new one. Look for the "Board Settings" or "Customize Board" option.
  1. Customize Board Layout:
  • Explore options to customize your board's layout. You can typically add or remove columns, adjust column order, and choose how tasks are displayed.
  1. Create Custom Labels:
  • To categorize tasks effectively, create custom labels that reflect your workflow. Give each label a name and color code for easy identification.
  1. Design Task Templates:
  • Streamline task creation by designing task templates. Define standard task properties, descriptions, due dates, and assignees for various types of tasks.
  1. Set Automation Rules (If Available):
  • If Puzzle offers automation features, set up rules to automate repetitive tasks. For example, you can automatically move tasks to specific columns based on criteria you define.
  1. Configure Notifications:
  • Customize notification settings to receive alerts for task updates, mentions, and deadlines. Choose how and when you want to be notified.
  1. Adjust Privacy and Sharing Settings:
  • Review privacy and sharing settings for your boards. Decide who can access and collaborate on your customized workflows.
  1. Integrate Third-Party Apps (If Needed):
  • If you use other tools for your work, consider integrating them with Puzzle to streamline your workflow further. Explore available integrations and set them up as needed.
  1. Save and Apply Changes:
  • After customizing your board or workflow, be sure to save your changes. The new layout, labels, templates, and settings will take effect.
  1. Duplicate Custom Workflows (If Applicable):
  • Some platforms may allow you to duplicate custom workflows or boards, making it easy to create similar setups for different projects or teams.
  1. Share Custom Workflows (If Desired):
  • If you've designed a custom workflow that you want to share with others, consider providing them with access or a template link.


Customizing your Puzzle workflows empowers you to adapt the platform to your unique work style and requirements. By following these steps, you can create a workspace that enhances your productivity and organization.

Ready to start customizing your Puzzle workflows?  Log in to Puzzle  and begin tailoring your workspace today!

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