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Help CenterAccount ManagementUpdating Your Profile

Updating Your Profile

Last updated October 10, 2023

Your profile is where you can add a personal touch to your Puzzle account. Whether you want to upload a profile picture, update your contact information, or adjust notification settings, this guide will show you how to make your Puzzle profile truly yours.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to update your Puzzle profile:

  1. Log In to Your Puzzle Account:
  • Visit the Puzzle website and log in to your account using your credentials.
  1. Access Your Profile:
  • Once logged in, click on your profile picture or username located at the top right corner of the screen. This will open your profile settings.
  1. Edit Profile Information:
  • In your profile settings, you can edit various aspects of your profile, including your name, email address, and username. Click on the respective fields to make changes.
  1. Upload or Change Profile Picture:
  • To add or update your profile picture, click on the profile picture area and choose an image from your computer or device. Crop and adjust the image as needed.
  1. Update Contact Information:
  • Review and update your contact information, such as your email address and phone number, to ensure it's up to date.
  1. Set Notification Preferences:
  • Customize your notification settings by specifying how and when you'd like to receive alerts from Puzzle. You can choose to receive notifications via email, in-app, or both.
  1. Change Password:
  • If you want to change your password, you can do so in the profile settings. Follow the prompts to create a new password.
  1. Adjust Privacy Settings:
  • Check and adjust your privacy settings if you have specific preferences regarding who can view your profile and tasks.
  1. Save Changes:
  • After making updates to your profile, be sure to click the "Save" or "Update" button to save your changes.
  1. View Your Updated Profile:
  • Click on your profile picture or username again to see how your updated profile looks to others.
  1. Logout and Log Back In (Optional):
  • For some changes to take effect, you may need to log out and log back in to your Puzzle account.
  1. Share Your Updated Profile:
  • If you want to share your profile with team members or collaborators, you can provide them with your profile URL.


Updating your Puzzle profile is a simple yet effective way to make your account uniquely yours. Whether you're adding a personal touch with a profile picture or ensuring your contact information is accurate, customizing your profile enhances your overall Puzzle experience.

Ready to personalize your Puzzle profile?  Log in to Puzzle  and update your profile settings today!

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