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Help CenterCollaboration and TeamworkRole-Based Access and Management in Trackingplan

Role-Based Access and Management in Trackingplan

Last updated November 30, 2023


In complex organizations, managing who has access to what data is crucial. Trackingplan's role-based access control (RBAC) system enables efficient management of user permissions. This article explains how to implement and manage role-based access within Trackingplan for enhanced security and efficiency.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Understanding Trackingplan's RBAC System: An introduction to the basics of role-based access control in Trackingplan.
  • Creating User Roles: Steps to define and create different user roles within Trackingplan, each with specific access rights.
  • Assigning Roles to Team Members: How to assign these roles to individual team members according to their job functions.
  • Managing Permissions for Different Roles: Guidelines for managing and updating the permissions associated with each role.
  • Auditing and Monitoring Access Rights: Tips on regularly auditing and monitoring role-based access to ensure security and compliance.


Implementing role-based access control in Trackingplan helps in maintaining data security and streamlining team workflows. By carefully managing roles and permissions, you can ensure that each team member has access to the necessary data without compromising on security or data integrity.

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