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Help CenterPerformance and Impact AnalysisAssessing the Impact of Trackingplan on Site Performance

Assessing the Impact of Trackingplan on Site Performance

Last updated November 30, 2023


While integrating analytics tools like Trackingplan, it's essential to understand their impact on your website's performance. This article will guide you through evaluating how Trackingplan affects your site’s loading speed and overall user experience.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Understanding Trackingplan’s Footprint: An overview of the size and complexity of the Trackingplan script.
  • Measuring Page Load Times: How to measure your site's loading times before and after implementing Trackingplan.
  • Analyzing Script Loading Behavior: Investigating how Trackingplan loads with your web pages (synchronously or asynchronously).
  • Evaluating Browser Performance: Using browser developer tools to assess the impact of Trackingplan on browser performance.
  • Checking Mobile Performance: Special considerations for assessing Trackingplan’s impact on mobile site performance.
  • Best Practices for Minimizing Impact: Tips on optimizing the integration of Trackingplan to ensure minimal impact on site performance.


Regularly assessing the impact of Trackingplan on your site's performance is crucial to maintain a balance between rich analytics and a smooth user experience. This guide provides a framework for such an evaluation.

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