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Help CenterCreate, Edit and OrganizeOrganizing Your Infographic Projects

Organizing Your Infographic Projects

Last updated November 9, 2023

In the creative flurry of designing infographics, organization can be your anchor, ensuring efficiency and ease of access to your projects. Venngage provides intuitive project management tools that help keep your designs and ideas neatly arranged. This guide will walk you through the organizational features of Venngage, so you can focus more on creating and less on sorting.

Steps to Efficiently Organize Your Projects

  • Step 1: Understanding Your Workspace
  • Get acquainted with the 'My Designs' section of Venngage, where all your projects are stored.
  • Step 2: Utilizing Folders
  • Learn to create folders to categorize your projects by theme, campaign, or timeline for better manageability.
  • Step 3: Naming Conventions
  • Adopt a consistent naming system for your projects and folders that makes them easily identifiable at a glance.
  • Step 4: The Starred Feature
  • Use the 'Starred' feature to mark and quickly access your most important or frequently used projects.
  • Step 5: Archiving Completed Projects
  • Keep your workspace clean by archiving projects that are completed or on hold, making room for active work.
  • Step 6: Searching and Sorting
  • Implement the search and sort functions to quickly find projects by name, date modified, or other criteria.

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