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Help CenterRelease NotesRecent Fixes and Improvements

Recent Fixes and Improvements

Last updated November 9, 2023

Continuous improvement is the key to providing an exceptional user experience. At Venngage, we're always working to refine the platform, squashing bugs and enhancing functionality. Here's a summary of our most recent updates that make Venngage smoother and more reliable for your design needs.

Highlighting Our Latest Enhancements

  • Bug Fixes
  • Addressed common issues reported by users to ensure a more seamless design experience.
  • Performance Enhancements
  • Implemented optimizations that speed up load times and improve the responsiveness of the design editor.
  • Feature Refinements
  • Refined existing tools and features based on user feedback to enhance their utility and ease of use.
  • User Interface Polishing
  • Made tweaks to the user interface, improving navigation and the overall aesthetic of the platform.
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Enhanced the collaboration tools to make sharing and co-editing designs more intuitive and efficient.
  • Security Patches
  • Rolled out security updates to protect user data and maintain the integrity of the platform.

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