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Help CenterSecret ManagementBest Practices for Secret Versioning

Best Practices for Secret Versioning

Last updated November 4, 2023


Managing different versions of secrets is a critical aspect of maintaining a secure and stable development environment. Infisical's secret versioning feature allows you to track changes over time. Let's dive into how to best utilize this feature.


  • Understanding Secret Versioning:
  • Learn what secret versioning is and why it's important.
  • Familiarize yourself with the versioning interface on Infisical.
  • Implementing Version Control:
  • Create a new secret and make an initial commit.
  • Make changes to your secret and observe the version history update.
  • Revert to a previous version if needed.
  • Versioning Best Practices:
  • Regularly update and commit changes to maintain a clear history.
  • Use descriptive commit messages for each change.
  • Review the version history periodically to audit changes.


With these steps, you're well on your way to mastering secret versioning with Infisical. Proper version control is a safety net that allows for smooth rollbacks and clear tracking of changes.

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