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Help CenterSecret ManagementHow to Use Point-in-Time Recovery for Secrets

How to Use Point-in-Time Recovery for Secrets

Last updated November 4, 2023


Mistakes happen, and sometimes secrets get changed or deleted accidentally. Infisical's point-in-time recovery feature is your safeguard against such incidents. This article outlines how to restore your secrets to a previous state.


  • Preparing for Recovery:
  • Understand the scenarios where point-in-time recovery is useful.
  • Ensure that your secrets are being versioned correctly.
  • Performing a Recovery:
  • Navigate to the secret that needs to be recovered.
  • Select the 'Recovery' option and choose the point in time you wish to revert to.
  • Confirm the recovery and check the secret's value post-recovery.
  • Finalizing the Recovery Process:
  • Verify that the application or service using the secret is functioning correctly.
  • Communicate the changes to your team to maintain awareness.
  • Document the recovery process for future reference.


Point-in-time recovery is a powerful feature that can mitigate the risks associated with accidental changes. By following these steps, you can ensure that your secrets are managed safely and effectively with Infisical.

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