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Help CenterData ManagementData Import Formats and Guidelines on Mango Map

Data Import Formats and Guidelines on Mango Map

Last updated October 10, 2023


Importing data into Mango Map is a pivotal step in the map creation process. The platform supports a variety of data formats, ensuring flexibility and compatibility with different data sources. Understanding the supported formats and the guidelines for importing data is essential to create informative and interactive maps. In this article, we provide insights into the various data import formats and offer step-by-step guidelines to ensure a seamless data import experience.

Data Import Formats

Mango Map supports a range of data formats to cater to diverse data types and sources, including:

  • CSV: Comma-separated values files for tabular data.
  • KML/KMZ: Keyhole Markup Language files for geographic annotations and visualizations.
  • Shapefiles: Popular format for geospatial vector data.
  • GeoJSON: Open standard format for encoding collections of simple geographical features.

Steps for Data Import and Guidelines

1. Preparing Data for Import

  • Format Conversion:
  • Ensure your data is in a supported format. Convert your data if necessary using GIS software or online conversion tools.
  • Data Cleaning:
  • Clean and organize your data, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

2. Accessing Data Import Option

  • Log In:
  • Select Map:
  • Choose an existing map or create a new one.

3. Importing Data

  • Add Layer:
  • Click on the “Add Layer” button and select “Import Data.”
  • Choose File:
  • Select the data file from your device, ensuring it is in a supported format.

4. Data Validation

  • Check Data:
  • Mango Map will validate the data. Ensure that it is displayed correctly on the map.
  • Resolve Issues:
  • Address any issues highlighted during the validation process.

5. Customizing Data Layer

  • Style and Labels:
  • Customize the appearance, styles, and labels of your data layer to enhance visualization.
  • Save Changes:
  • Save the changes to update the map with the newly imported data layer.


Importing data into Mango Map is a user-friendly process, thanks to the platform’s support for various data formats and intuitive interface. By following the guidelines outlined above, users can ensure that their data is accurately represented, laying the foundation for creating insightful and interactive maps. Explore the world of Mango Map, where your data comes to life, offering visual insights and aiding informed decision-making. Happy mapping!

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