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Managing Data Layers on Mango Map

Last updated October 10, 2023


Data layers are the essence of your maps on Mango Map, each layer adding a level of depth, detail, and analysis to your geographical visualizations. Managing these layers effectively is crucial to ensure that your maps are not only informative but also easy to interpret. In this article, we will guide you through the process of managing data layers, including adding, editing, and deleting layers to optimize your mapping experience.

Steps for Managing Data Layers

1. Adding Data Layers

  • Log In:
  • Access your  Mango Map  account and navigate to the desired map.
  • Add Layer:
  • Click the “Add Layer” button and choose the type of data or layer you want to add.
  • Import Data:
  • If applicable, import your data file and customize the layer’s appearance.

2. Editing Data Layers

  • Select Layer:
  • Click on the layer you wish to edit from the layers panel.
  • Edit Options:
  • Utilize the edit options to change the layer’s style, labels, and other settings.
  • Apply Changes:
  • Click “Apply” to save the changes made to the layer.

3. Organizing Data Layers

  • Layer Order:
  • Drag and drop layers in the layers panel to rearrange their order on the map.
  • Grouping Layers:
  • Create groups to organize similar layers together for easier management and navigation.

4. Controlling Layer Visibility

  • Visibility Toggle:
  • Use the visibility toggle to show or hide specific layers on the map.
  • Zoom Levels:
  • Set the zoom levels at which different layers become visible or hidden.

5. Deleting Data Layers

  • Select Layer:
  • Click on the layer you wish to remove.
  • Delete Option:
  • Click the “Delete” or “Remove” option to delete the layer from the map.
  • Confirm Action:
  • Confirm that you want to delete the layer. Note that this action may be irreversible.


Managing data layers on Mango Map is a seamless and intuitive process. With the ability to add, edit, organize, control visibility, and delete layers, users have complete control over how data is visualized and interpreted on their maps. By effectively managing data layers, you can create maps that are not only rich in information but also aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. Dive into Mango Map and explore the myriad of options available for managing data layers to create your ideal geographical visualizations. Happy mapping!

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