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Help CenterMap Creation and EditingImporting and Exporting Map Data on Mango Map

Importing and Exporting Map Data on Mango Map

Last updated October 10, 2023


The ability to import and export map data is essential for a dynamic and flexible mapping experience. Mango Map ensures that users can easily integrate their data, as well as export maps for various purposes, including presentations, reports, and sharing. In this article, we will guide you through the streamlined process of importing and exporting map data on Mango Map, ensuring you can maximize the utility of your geographical data.

Steps for Importing and Exporting Map Data

1. Importing Data

  • Access the Map Editor:
  • Log in to your  Mango Map  account, select an existing map, or create a new one.
  • Add Layer:
  • Click on the “Add Layer” button and select “Import Data.”
  • Select File:
  • Choose the data file from your device. Mango Map supports a variety of formats including CSV, KML, and Shapefiles.
  • Customize Data Layer:
  • After importing, customize the data layer by adjusting the style, color, and labels.

2. Exporting Data

  • Select the Map:
  • From the dashboard, click on the map containing the data you wish to export.
  • Access Export Options:
  • Navigate to the “Options” or "Settings" menu and select “Export Data.”
  • Choose Data Format:
  • Select the desired export format. Options may include PDF, CSV, or image files.
  • Download File:
  • Confirm your selection and download the exported file to your device.


Importing and exporting map data on Mango Map is a user-friendly process, designed to ensure that users can easily integrate and utilize their geographical data. With the capability to import various data formats and export maps for diverse applications, Mango Map stands as a versatile tool for individuals and organizations alike. Explore this feature to enhance your data visualization, sharing, and analysis capabilities. Happy mapping!

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