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Help CenterMap Creation and EditingAdding and Customizing Layers on Mango Map

Adding and Customizing Layers on Mango Map

Last updated October 10, 2023


Layers are integral components of a map, offering a structured visual representation of your geographical data. With Mango Map, adding and customizing layers is a seamless process, allowing users to create informative and interactive maps with ease. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to add and customize layers, enhancing the visual appeal and informational value of your maps.

Steps for Adding and Customizing Layers

1. Selecting a Map

  • Log in to your  Mango Map  account and choose an existing map or create a new one where you want to add layers.

2. Accessing Layer Options

  • On the map editor interface, locate and click on the “Add Layer” button to unveil the various options for adding layers.

3. Importing Data

  • Choose the “Import Data” option if you have data files. Mango Map supports various formats like CSV, KML, and Shapefiles.
  • Follow the prompts to upload and add your data to the map.

4. Layer Customization

  • Once the data is uploaded, click on the layer to access customization options.
  • Adjust colors, styles, and labels to enhance the visual representation of your data.

5. Adding Predefined Layers

  • Mango Map also offers predefined layers. Select from the available options and add them to your map with a single click.

6. Layer Settings

  • Access layer settings to control visibility, set the zoom level restrictions, and other display preferences to optimize the user experience.


Adding and customizing layers on Mango Map is designed to be intuitive, offering users the flexibility to represent their data effectively. With these steps, you can transform raw data into visually appealing and informative layers, making your maps a powerful tool for visualization and analysis. Dive in and explore the endless possibilities of creating interactive and insightful maps with Mango Map!

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