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Help CenterSharing and CollaborationManaging User Permissions on Mango Map

Managing User Permissions on Mango Map

Last updated October 10, 2023


User permissions are integral to the secure and efficient management of maps on Mango Map. They determine the level of access and control that different users have over the maps and their features. In this article, we will guide you through the process of managing user permissions, ensuring that your maps are accessed and edited by authorized individuals.

Steps for Managing User Permissions

1. Accessing User Permissions Settings

  • Select Map:
  • Choose the map for which you want to manage user permissions.
  • Navigate to Settings:
  • Go to the map settings, and find the ‘User Permissions’ section.

2. Adding Users

  • Invite Users:
  • Click on the ‘Invite Users’ button and enter the email addresses of the individuals you want to add.
  • Send Invitations:
  • Review the email addresses and send invitations to join the map.

3. Assigning Roles

  • Select User:
  • Click on the user’s name in the permissions section.
  • Choose Role:
  • Assign a role (e.g., viewer, editor, admin) that determines the user’s level of access and control.

4. Customizing Permissions

  • Access Levels:
  • Define the access levels for different parts of the map, such as viewing, editing, or managing data layers.
  • Feature Access:
  • Control the user’s access to specific features like annotations, comments, or sharing options.

5. Reviewing and Modifying Permissions

  • Review:
  • Regularly review user permissions to ensure they align with the current needs and security protocols.
  • Modify:
  • Make necessary adjustments to permissions, enhancing or restricting access as needed.

6. Removing Users

  • Select User:
  • Choose the user you want to remove from the permissions list.
  • Remove Access:
  • Click ‘Remove’ to revoke the user’s access to the map, confirming the action in the prompt that follows.


Managing user permissions on Mango Map is a straightforward yet powerful process that ensures the security, integrity, and privacy of your maps. By meticulously assigning and managing permissions, you can control who has access to your maps and what they can do with them. Explore the user permissions features on Mango Map to create a secure, collaborative, and efficient mapping environment. Happy mapping!

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