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Help CenterSharing and CollaborationSharing Your Maps on Mango Map

Sharing Your Maps on Mango Map

Last updated October 10, 2023


Creating a map is just the first step; sharing it allows for collaborative insights, broader visibility, and enhanced utility. Mango Map offers intuitive options for sharing your maps, ensuring that they reach your intended audience with ease and flexibility. In this article, we will guide you through the various methods of sharing your maps, making your geographical visualizations accessible to others.

Steps for Sharing Your Maps

1. Preparing Your Map for Sharing

  • Finalize Content:
  • Ensure all data layers, annotations, and visualizations are complete and accurate.
  • Update Map Settings:
  • Adjust the map settings, including visibility and access permissions, as per your sharing preferences.

2. Sharing Options

  • Public Sharing:
  • Make your map public for anyone to view without requiring a login.
  • Private Sharing:
  • Share your map privately, requiring users to log in to view it.

3. Sharing via Link

  • Generate Shareable Link:
  • Click on the “Share” button and copy the generated link.
  • Distribute the Link:
  • Share the link via email, messaging apps, or social media to grant access to the map.

4. Embedding Maps on a Website

  • Get Embed Code:
  • Click on the “Embed” option to generate the HTML embed code.
  • Paste the Code:
  • Copy and paste the code into your website’s HTML to embed the map directly on a webpage.

5. Collaborative Sharing

  • Invite Collaborators:
  • Invite others to collaborate on the map by entering their email addresses.
  • Set Permissions:
  • Assign roles and permissions to collaborators to control their level of access and editing capabilities.


Sharing your maps on Mango Map is a streamlined process designed to ensure that your geographical visualizations reach your intended audience with ease. With options for public and private sharing, link distribution, website embedding, and collaborative editing, Mango Map caters to diverse sharing needs. Explore these options to enhance the visibility, accessibility, and collaborative potential of your maps. Dive into the world of interactive mapping where sharing is as intuitive as creating. Happy mapping!

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