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🤝 Features & CapabilitiesDive into the unique features of Odigos, including its open-source nature, no-code changes, observability by default, and support for various applications. Learn how Odigos stands out with its automatic instrumentation for compiled languages and its commitment to the community.🌟 Getting Started with OdigosA step-by-step guide on how to implement Odigos in your environment. From installation on your Kubernetes cluster to selecting applications and choosing data destinations, get all the information you need to kickstart your Odigos journey.📱 Integrations & Supported PlatformsExplore the wide range of integrations Odigos offers. Whether you're using managed vendors or open-source solutions, discover how Odigos seamlessly integrates with any Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool supporting OpenTelemetry.⁉️ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Find answers to the most common questions about Odigos. Understand how Odigos works, its compatibility with current APMs, supported programming languages, and its performance overhead.📄 News & BlogsStay updated with the latest happenings at Odigos. From company news to insightful blogs on distributed tracing, OpenTelemetry, eBPF, and more, this section keeps you informed.☁️ Odigos Cloud PlatformLearn about the upcoming Odigos Cloud platform. Join the waitlist, get notifications on its launch, and discover the benefits of this new offering.
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