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🌟 Getting Started with PinokioThis category provides all the necessary information for new users, including how to download and install Pinokio, an introduction to its features, and basic tutorials to get users up and running with the platform.📄 Script LibraryA comprehensive guide to the Pinokio script library, including how to browse, download, and use scripts shared by the community. This category could also cover how to contribute scripts and guidelines for submission.📝 Verified ScriptsDetailed information about scripts from verified publishers, including how to find them, what makes them verified, and how users can ensure they are using trusted sources for their scripts.🚀 Advanced Scripting and AutomationGuides and tutorials for users looking to dive deeper into the capabilities of Pinokio, including advanced scripting techniques, automation tips, and how to programmatically control applications with Pinokio.🛠️ Community and SupportInformation on how to engage with the Pinokio community, including forums, social media channels, and other platforms where users can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other users. This category could also include details on how to access official support from the Pinokio team.👍 Updates and New FeaturesRegular updates on new features, enhancements, and bug fixes for Pinokio. This category keeps users informed about the latest developments and how they can take advantage of new capabilities within the platform.
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