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Help CenterShare, Collaborate and CommentSharing Your Infographics with the World

Sharing Your Infographics with the World

Last updated November 9, 2023

After pouring effort and creativity into your infographic, the next step is to share your work with the world. Venngage makes it simple to distribute your designs across various platforms, ensuring your message reaches your intended audience. This article will guide you through the process of sharing your infographics from Venngage to different channels.

Steps to Share Your Venngage Infographic

  • Step 1: Finalizing Your Design
  • Ensure your infographic is polished and ready for viewing by double-checking content, design elements, and layout.
  • Step 2: Choosing the Right Format
  • Decide on the format that best suits your sharing platform, be it PNG, PDF, or interactive HTML.
  • Step 3: Using the Share Feature
  • Utilize Venngage’s built-in share feature to generate a link that can be directly shared via email, social media, or embedded in a website.
  • Step 4: Social Media Integration
  • Share your infographic directly to social media platforms using Venngage’s integrated sharing options.
  • Step 5: Embedding on Your Website or Blog
  • Copy the provided embed code to seamlessly integrate your infographic into your website or blog.
  • Step 6: Downloading for Offline Use
  • Download your infographic for print or offline distribution to ensure your audience can enjoy it without internet access.

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