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Help Center โž” Share, Collaborate and Comment โž” Managing Comments and Feedback

Managing Comments and Feedback

Last updated November 9, 2023

Feedback is a crucial part of the design process. Venngage's commenting feature streamlines this by allowing team members and clients to provide feedback directly on your designs. This article will outline how to effectively manage comments and feedback to refine your infographics and enhance your collaborative efforts.

Steps to Manage Feedback Efficiently

  • Step 1: Inviting Reviewers
  • Share your infographic with colleagues or clients and invite them to comment directly on the design.
  • Step 2: Navigating the Comments Section
  • Learn to navigate the comments section to view feedback and manage conversations related to your design.
  • Step 3: Responding to Feedback
  • Address each piece of feedback with responses or edits, ensuring a two-way communication flow.
  • Step 4: Incorporating Suggestions
  • Evaluate the feedback and decide which suggestions to incorporate into your design for improvement.
  • Step 5: Tracking Changes
  • Keep track of the changes made to your design based on the comments, ensuring nothing gets overlooked.
  • Step 6: Final Review and Approval
  • Conduct a final review with your team or clients to ensure all feedback has been addressed before finalizing the design.

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