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Help CenterGetting StartedCreating Your First Expense Group

Creating Your First Expense Group

Last updated December 13, 2023

Managing expenses effectively is crucial for any business. One way to streamline this process is by creating expense groups. These groups help categorize and organize your expenses, making it easier to track and analyze your company's financial data. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to create your first expense group.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Log In to Your Atlas Account:
  • Open your Atlas account dashboard and log in as the administrator.
  1. Access the Expense Management Section:
  • In the dashboard, navigate to the "Finance" or "Expense Management" section. The exact location may vary depending on your account setup.
  1. Click on "Create Expense Group":
  • Look for the option to create a new expense group and click on it.
  1. Name Your Expense Group:
  • Give your expense group a clear and descriptive name. This will make it easy to identify its purpose later.
  1. Set Group Permissions:
  • Decide who can access and modify this expense group. You can restrict access to specific team members or grant permissions to certain roles within your organization.
  1. Define Expense Categories:
  • Within your expense group, create categories that align with your company's spending needs. Common categories include "Office Supplies," "Travel Expenses," and "Marketing Costs."
  1. Add Subcategories (Optional):
  • If necessary, create subcategories within each expense category. For example, under "Office Supplies," you could have subcategories like "Stationery" and "Electronics."
  1. Assign Budgets:
  • Specify budgets for each category or subcategory. This helps in controlling expenses within predefined limits.
  1. Save and Review:
  • Double-check your expense group settings, and click the "Save" or "Create" button to confirm.
  1. Start Assigning Expenses:
  • Now that your expense group is set up, begin assigning expenses to their respective categories. This can usually be done when you enter expenses into your financial system.

Remember, effective expense management can save your company money and provide valuable insights into your spending patterns. Regularly review and update your expense groups as your business evolves.

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