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Help CenterGetting StartedAdding Friends to SplitMyExpenses

Adding Friends to SplitMyExpenses

Last updated December 13, 2023

Splitting expenses with friends has never been easier thanks to SplitMyExpenses. Whether you're sharing bills for a weekend getaway or simply splitting dinner costs, this platform makes it seamless. In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps to add friends to your SplitMyExpenses account.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Log In to Your SplitMyExpenses Account:
  • Start by logging in to your SplitMyExpenses account using your credentials.
  1. Access Your Dashboard:
  • Once you're logged in, you'll land on your account dashboard. This is where you can manage your expense sharing activities.
  1. Navigate to the "Friends" Section:
  • Look for the "Friends" or "Contacts" section in your dashboard's menu. Click on it to access your friend list.
  1. Click "Add Friend":
  • In the "Friends" section, you'll see an option to "Add Friend" or "Invite Friend." Click on this option to proceed.
  1. Enter Friend's Details:
  • You'll be prompted to enter your friend's details. This typically includes their name, email address, and a profile picture (optional).
  1. Send an Invitation:
  • After entering your friend's information, click "Send Invitation" or "Add Friend." SplitMyExpenses will then send an invitation to your friend to join your expense group.
  1. Wait for Acceptance:
  • Your friend will receive the invitation and have the option to accept it. They may need to create their SplitMyExpenses account if they don't have one already.
  1. Friend Added to Your List:
  • Once your friend accepts the invitation and joins your expense group, you'll see their name and profile picture in your friend list.
  1. Start Sharing Expenses:
  • With your friend added, you can now start sharing expenses. Simply create an expense, assign it to the appropriate friend, and SplitMyExpenses will handle the calculations.
  1. Review and Track Expenses:
  • Regularly review your shared expenses and track who owes what. SplitMyExpenses will keep a running total, making it easy to settle up with your friends.
  1. Settle Debts (Optional):
  • If your group prefers, you can use the platform to settle debts directly, simplifying the payment process.

Adding friends to your SplitMyExpenses account ensures that everyone stays on top of shared expenses, eliminating confusion and making it easy to split costs seamlessly.

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