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⏩ Getting StartedThis category provides new users with all the necessary information to begin using Whatnot. It includes account creation, understanding the platform's features, and tips for navigating the site effectively.✈️ Buying on WhatnotDedicated to buyers, this section covers how to search for items, understand listing details, participate in auctions, and complete purchases. It also includes information on payment options, shipping, and handling buyer protection.🔖 Selling on WhatnotAimed at sellers, this category offers guidance on listing items, setting prices, managing auctions, and tips for successful selling. It also covers seller fees, shipping logistics, and how to handle disputes.🚨 Live Auctions and EventsThis section focuses on the live aspect of Whatnot, providing users with information on how to participate in or host live auctions and events. It includes technical requirements, best practices, and community guidelines.🌐 Account Management and SecurityCovers all aspects of managing a user account on Whatnot, including privacy settings, security measures to protect accounts, and how to report suspicious activity. It also provides guidance on resolving account issues.🖊️ Support and Dispute ResolutionThis category is dedicated to providing users with assistance on various issues, including technical support, resolving transaction disputes, and understanding Whatnot's policies on refunds and returns.
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