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Help CenterFeatures & CapabilitiesThe Power of Autonomous Rules

The Power of Autonomous Rules

Last updated November 3, 2023


In the digital age, the sheer volume of communications can be overwhelming. Manual monitoring and management are no longer feasible or efficient. Enter Chart's Autonomous Rules – a feature designed to automate communication processes, ensuring security, compliance, and efficiency. This article will guide you through the transformative power of these rules and how to harness them effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Leveraging Autonomous Rules:

  1. Understanding the Basics:
  • Navigate to the 'Autonomous Rules' section on the Chart dashboard.
  • Familiarize yourself with the concept and the potential applications of these rules.
  1. Creating Your First Rule:
  • Click on the 'Add New Rule' button.
  • Define the criteria for the rule, such as specific keywords, sender/recipient details, or attachment types.
  1. Setting Rule Actions:
  • Decide what action should be taken when a communication matches your rule. Options might include:
  • Rewriting certain parts of the message.
  • Blocking the communication entirely.
  • Sending a notification to a designated person or team.
  1. Prioritizing Rules:
  • In cases where multiple rules might apply to a single communication, set rule priorities.
  • Determine which rule should take precedence and adjust the order accordingly.
  1. Testing and Refinement:
  • After setting up a rule, test it with dummy communications to ensure it works as intended.
  • Refine the criteria or actions based on the results to optimize accuracy and efficiency.
  1. Monitoring Rule Performance:
  • Regularly check the 'Rule Analytics' section to see how often each rule is triggered.
  • Adjust rules that are either too frequently or rarely triggered to better match your communication landscape.
  1. Staying Updated:
  • As your organization grows and evolves, so will your communication needs.
  • Periodically review and update your autonomous rules to reflect changes in communication patterns, compliance requirements, or business objectives.


Autonomous rules are more than just an automation feature; they represent the future of communication management. By harnessing the power of Chart's Autonomous Rules, organizations can navigate the complexities of digital communication with ease, ensuring security, compliance, and efficiency at every step. Embrace the future, and let autonomous rules transform your communication landscape.

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