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Help CenterFeatures & CapabilitiesIntegrating Chart Across Platforms

Integrating Chart Across Platforms

Last updated November 3, 2023


Chart is not just a standalone communication management tool; it's a versatile platform designed to seamlessly integrate with a myriad of other communication platforms. Whether you're using email services, instant messaging apps, or other collaboration tools, Chart ensures a unified and secure communication experience. This guide will walk you through the steps to integrate Chart across various platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integration:

  1. Understanding Integration Capabilities:
  • Familiarize yourself with the list of platforms Chart supports by visiting the 'Integrations' section on the dashboard.
  • Note the platforms your organization uses and prioritize them for integration.
  1. Email Integration:
  • Navigate to the 'Email Integration' tab.
  • Connect your email service provider, be it Gmail, Outlook, or others, by following the on-screen instructions.
  • Test the integration by sending a test email and monitoring it via Chart.
  1. Instant Messaging Integration:
  • Go to the 'Instant Messaging' section.
  • Choose from platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or others.
  • Follow the authentication process to grant Chart access to your messaging platform.
  1. Collaboration Tools Integration:
  • Access the 'Collaboration Tools' tab.
  • Integrate platforms like Trello, Asana, or Jira to monitor task communications.
  • Set up rules specific to these platforms, such as monitoring task comments or board communications.
  1. Custom Integration via API:
  • If you have a proprietary platform or one not listed, use Chart's API for custom integration.
  • Access the API documentation for detailed steps and guidelines.
  1. Optimizing Integration Settings:
  • Once integrated, visit each platform's settings in Chart to customize monitoring, rewriting, and blocking rules.
  • Ensure that notifications are set up to alert you of any critical communications or potential breaches.


Integrating Chart across platforms is a straightforward process, designed to be user-friendly and efficient. By ensuring seamless integration, Chart empowers organizations to have a holistic view of their communications, irrespective of the platform. Dive deep, integrate, and experience unified communication like never before!

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