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Help CenterFeatures & CapabilitiesMastering Monitoring, Rewriting, and Blocking with Chart

Mastering Monitoring, Rewriting, and Blocking with Chart

Last updated November 3, 2023


Chart offers a powerful suite of tools designed to give businesses unparalleled control over their communications. Among its standout features are monitoring, rewriting, and blocking. This article will guide you through mastering these functionalities, ensuring that your communications are not only efficient but also secure and compliant.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering These Features:

  1. Setting Up Monitoring:
  • Navigate to the 'Monitoring' tab on the Chart dashboard.
  • Choose the communication channels you wish to monitor, such as Email, Slack, or SMS.
  • Define specific keywords or phrases you want to track in real-time.
  1. Understanding Rewriting:
  • Go to the 'Rewriting' section.
  • Set up rules to automatically rewrite certain phrases or words. For example, replace internal code names with generic terms when communicating externally.
  • Test the rewriting rules to ensure they work as intended.
  1. Implementing Blocking:
  • Access the 'Blocking' feature from the dashboard.
  • Define criteria for communications that should be blocked. This could be based on specific keywords, attachments, or even the recipient's domain.
  • Choose the action to be taken when a communication meets the blocking criteria, such as sending a notification or saving it for review.
  1. Reviewing Communications:
  • Regularly check the 'Review' tab to see communications that were flagged by your monitoring, rewriting, or blocking rules.
  • Make necessary adjustments to ensure no false positives and that all critical communications are captured.
  1. Refining Your Rules:
  • Based on the feedback and the communications captured, refine your rules for better accuracy.
  • Regularly update your keyword list and criteria based on evolving business needs.
  1. Staying Compliant:
  • Use the monitoring and blocking features to ensure compliance with industry regulations.
  • Set up alerts for any potential compliance breaches for immediate action.


The power of Chart lies in its ability to give businesses a granular level of control over their communications. By mastering monitoring, rewriting, and blocking, you can ensure that your communications are not only efficient but also secure, compliant, and in line with your company's standards. Dive in, explore, and make the most of what Chart has to offer!

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