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Help CenterEnvironment Setup and ConfigurationConfiguring Your Environment with Infisical CLI

Configuring Your Environment with Infisical CLI

Last updated November 4, 2023


Command-line interfaces (CLI) offer powerful ways to interact with software. Infisical's CLI streamlines the process of managing your environments and secrets. This article will walk you through the basics of setting up your environment using the Infisical CLI.


  • Installing the Infisical CLI:
  • Download the CLI tool from the Infisical documentation page.
  • Install the CLI on your system following the provided instructions.
  • Authenticate your CLI with your Infisical account credentials.
  • Setting Up Your Environment:
  • Use the infisical setup command to initialize your project.
  • Define your environments (e.g., development, staging, production) using the CLI.
  • Sync your local environment files with Infisical using the infisical sync command.
  • Using the CLI for Daily Operations:
  • Switch between environments using the infisical switch command.
  • Inject secrets into your local development server with infisical run.
  • Update your secrets and configurations directly through the CLI.


With the Infisical CLI configured, you have a robust tool at your fingertips to manage and synchronize your environments. The CLI not only saves time but also ensures consistency across your development workflow.

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