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Help CenterEnvironment Setup and ConfigurationSecret Referencing: Simplifying Environment Variables

Secret Referencing: Simplifying Environment Variables

Last updated November 4, 2023


Secret referencing is a method to simplify the management of environment variables by allowing them to inherit values from other variables. Infisical's secret referencing feature can help maintain consistency and reduce duplication. This article explains how to use this feature effectively.


  • Introduction to Secret Referencing:
  • Understand the concept of secret referencing and its benefits.
  • Identify which secrets can be referenced within your environment setup.
  • Setting Up Secret References:
  • Navigate to the secret you want to reference in the Infisical dashboard.
  • Use the referencing syntax to link secrets (e.g., {{ SECRET_NAME }}).
  • Save and apply the references across your environments.
  • Maintaining Secret References:
  • Monitor the dependencies between your secrets to ensure integrity.
  • Update references as needed when the source secrets change.
  • Document your secret references for clarity within your team.


Secret referencing is a technique that, when used properly, can greatly streamline your environment variable management. Infisical's intuitive system makes it easy to implement and maintain references, ensuring a single source of truth for your secrets.

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