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Help CenterEnvironment Setup and ConfigurationManaging Environment Overrides with Infisical

Managing Environment Overrides with Infisical

Last updated November 4, 2023


In software development, the need to override certain environment variables for local development or specific use cases is common. Infisical provides a seamless way to manage these overrides. This article will guide you through the process.


  • Understanding Environment Overrides:
  • Learn about the concept of environment overrides and when they're necessary.
  • Access the overrides feature in the Infisical dashboard.
  • Creating and Managing Overrides:
  • Select the environment and secret you wish to override.
  • Enter the override value and save it to your profile.
  • Test the override to ensure it works as expected in your local development environment.
  • Best Practices for Overrides:
  • Keep track of which secrets have overrides and why.
  • Use overrides judiciously to avoid confusion within the team.
  • Regularly review and clean up any unnecessary overrides.


Environment overrides are a powerful feature when used correctly. With Infisical, you can manage these overrides with ease, ensuring that your development process is both flexible and secure.

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